Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Maidens - West / East Lighthouses

The Maidens are lighthouses in the North channel Between N.Ireland and Scotland . 13 miles from Larne port on the Northern irish side .
From the land they can look like two (world war two Destroyers ) and there is an old story kicking about here saying the German uboat/navy mistaking them for such !
For over the last 20 years I have wanted to visit them and it came true thanks to Pete E .
Weather and tide need to be perfect , if you get caught out here you are in big trouble.

Sammy seal !

High and dry , but my boats plastic thank goodness.

Baldy himself, on top of the old tower with the new one behind me .

1903 was the last time this Light was working and the place has fell to ruin .

Spud picking , they still grow here after all this time and Rick plans to try and grow this potato back home , many have tried but failed they thrive here due to a plenty full supply of bird ----!
and are supposed to taste good , but I will stick to Tesco's best !

Bit of a drop 60 feet to be correct but a cracking view on a brill day, thank you lads until next time .

Maiden west 1 km from the active east light.